Tuesday, May 12, 2009
What to do?
Hey I am thinking of going to go to Bethel when I get out of the summer job. But may be stay at home for a while then go to Bethel for a job. So may be I will think about it after I get to my job when the time comes. And boy am I so close to graduating so I think I am going to start staying after school so that I could get done with my work. So yeah I will come in after school. And yeah I really have to come in so I would not have to come in for the next 3 days to get work done so I am going to come in to get done. So what would you think I should do come in after school or go home and do whatever? Well this is what I will do I will come in and do work. There are many other things I could do but I think I should get my school work done. There would have been more on this post but I just put down what I was thinking. So I was thinking of what i was doing and may be I will go to the job I signed up for. Then what I would do is find one up in Bethel and save up till I go to collage in Anchorage with my sister and Francis. then from there I could come down to Oscarville to visit my family every holiday or when ever. So yeah I am ready to go out in to the real world. There are many things I want to do before I move to Anchorage like help out at home and stuff. There is more I want to talk about but I think it is good for now. You will be seeing more when I write them days from now after i get out of school. Or when I am at work or some place. Okay will see what you think of this post in my comments.
Friday, May 8, 2009
So I was thinking of my graduation and was thinking of what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. Well I am going to tell you what I am going to do. I am going to go to work for the summer and then after that I am going to find a job in Bethel. After words I will move to Anchorage with my sister and Frances. But then I will have to get a job there to so I don't run out of money and I would be able to pay off the bill we will be getting when we go up to Anchorage. So yeah I am totally planed after high school. But I may want to apply early so that I would get a scholarship for collage. So I would not have to pay too much for the collage I want to go to. So far my older sister graduated when she was 20, and this year I am going to graduate at the age of 19 one year before my older sister. And the year after I graduate my third oldest is going to graduate at the age of 18 if she keeps up all her work. Well I don’t know about Nick because he is still in Jr. High School. And we would not find out for another few years.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
I have been thinking of what I want to do with my life. What I was thinking of doing is may be go to the army and go there for carpentry then whatever comes up when I am there that is if I get to that point. I also think I am going to work before I go to collage so I would have money to spend when I get to collage. There is many things I want to do before I go to collage is get a job then save up to get into a good collage and what not. I also thing I would go to Anchorage with my sister and Frances but first we would need jobs to get there and rent an apartment. Then after we do that I would have to find a job in Anchorage and it may be hard to find one up there. So it is best to get one in Bethel before going to Anchorage and save up a lot of money in a bank or several banks and one would be to save and another to use. And i think i have a good plan after I get out of High school. But it may change time to time so I better keep my mind open to anything that comes up. So yeah I think I am set to Get out of high school and go on into the real world.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
There was a time when we were biking and there was Michael Steven, Matthew Jacob, and I. That day was a life changing experience because they scared me with a fake fox. I was 10 years old when this happened. At the time this happened was during the summer time. It was around the evening time when the sun is setting into the horizon.
We were biking all day and ended up a Matthew’s house. We decided to have a race from Matthew’s to the well before it got to late. We were all lined up on the corner of the boardwalk behind Matthew’s house. Michael yelled, “Ready, set, go!” right after he said that I saw a flash of two people biking ahead of me. I pedaled as hard and as fast as I could to get caught up. Michael and Matthew slowed down so I could get caught up a bit.
I got to the point where I was close enough to hear them talking. I heard them mumble “we should trick Andrew” but it was hard to hear what they were saying. When I got about halfway between the yellow tanks and the teacher’s house Michael turned and yelled, “There’s a fox behind you!” and they both started biking faster.
Parents and elders would always say that you could never know if a fox had rabies or not. They also said if you get bitten by a rabid fox that you’d have to get shots in your stomach. The thought of getting a shot in my stomach and thinking about how painful it would feel scared me.
When Michael said there was a fox behind me a sudden burst of energy made me bike faster. I was so scared that it made start to cry. My little legs pumped as fast as they could. I could feel the wind pushing against my face and it felt like I was going fast but I really wasn’t.
Michael and Matthew had stopped at the bend in the boardwalk. They were standing there hollering, “Bike faster!" Bike faster” I was frantically biking in horror. My heart was pounding and pounding and I felt like I wasn’t even moving.
When I got to them I stopped right beside them and saw them were smiling.
Matthew then said, “We were just kidding about the fox.”
I was relieved that there was no fox there but it was frustrating to try to bike fast. I felt a little embarrassed about the whole thing.
After that Matthew and Michael brought me back home. I was too scared to my bike home. Nowadays I think of myself not being as scared as I was. I think of that night and it makes me chuckle.
We were biking all day and ended up a Matthew’s house. We decided to have a race from Matthew’s to the well before it got to late. We were all lined up on the corner of the boardwalk behind Matthew’s house. Michael yelled, “Ready, set, go!” right after he said that I saw a flash of two people biking ahead of me. I pedaled as hard and as fast as I could to get caught up. Michael and Matthew slowed down so I could get caught up a bit.
I got to the point where I was close enough to hear them talking. I heard them mumble “we should trick Andrew” but it was hard to hear what they were saying. When I got about halfway between the yellow tanks and the teacher’s house Michael turned and yelled, “There’s a fox behind you!” and they both started biking faster.
Parents and elders would always say that you could never know if a fox had rabies or not. They also said if you get bitten by a rabid fox that you’d have to get shots in your stomach. The thought of getting a shot in my stomach and thinking about how painful it would feel scared me.
When Michael said there was a fox behind me a sudden burst of energy made me bike faster. I was so scared that it made start to cry. My little legs pumped as fast as they could. I could feel the wind pushing against my face and it felt like I was going fast but I really wasn’t.
Michael and Matthew had stopped at the bend in the boardwalk. They were standing there hollering, “Bike faster!" Bike faster” I was frantically biking in horror. My heart was pounding and pounding and I felt like I wasn’t even moving.
When I got to them I stopped right beside them and saw them were smiling.
Matthew then said, “We were just kidding about the fox.”
I was relieved that there was no fox there but it was frustrating to try to bike fast. I felt a little embarrassed about the whole thing.
After that Matthew and Michael brought me back home. I was too scared to my bike home. Nowadays I think of myself not being as scared as I was. I think of that night and it makes me chuckle.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Boy you are going to freak when you hear about this. Man i am one of the luckiest guys in Oscarville because I am going to be greaduating this year and i am so glat i would not have to come to school ever again... But there is a turning point at this not that I don't have to go to school it is going to collage and thal is much harder then high school. Well then I would have to get around it like i did with high school and soon enough I would get out of collage and then live on my own in the real world. I am really glad I am going to be out of school by the 15 or so. And yea let me know what you guys think of me out of school.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
this is a what you think post let my know???HAHA
Hey I am just wandering? What do you guys think of my writing so far? What I think of my writing is that it has improved very well and I will try to let it improve a lot more this summer or when ever. Well my blogs are so good that I am going to keep blogging after school is out and may be when I get older to keep in touch with friends and many others I will eventually meet in the future. Well then you will let me know how I did after reading about my blogs and my previus ones. So i am hopping to hear from you guys soon. For me I think that I am doing much better then I was doing for so many years. I also think that I can improve a lot more.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Hey people how you guys liking my blogges. What I think about my blogges is that they are improving very fast or that is what I think. Well I am going to wright some writing so you could read it. Here I go, well I was thinking of going out hunting right when school is out so I would not have to worry about going home early and so I don't run out of shells. Also I would have more shells when it is time to go to the tundra. Well I think that is all... No I am just Kidding there is a lot more to this story or blog. So I think I am going to wait to get out of school so I would have more time to go out and more time to be out there. Because the last time I went out hunting I would come home around 12:00 to about 1:00. And then my dad would tell me to stop coming home late so I did until it happened again. So I am totaly going to wait until school is out and may be by that time there will be more geese to shoot and be a lot easier for me to just go out hunting in the morning then in the afternoon or late evening. So what I am trying to say is that I am going to wait till school is out and then I would have more time to hunt and I would have more shells for the boat trip hunting more birds. And yeah I am going to really wait for school being out but it will be hard for me because I like to go out hunting and I will have to be strong and stay in school until it is out. Got to go now hope you like it later. Yeah and my dad said not to shoot them when they are high in th sky but in yup'ik.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Getting my first snow machine
I remember when I was 17 going on 18, and I was going to get a snow machine. And it was going to be my first one. At first there was this short track I wanted but my dad said it was to much of a short track. Then there was this MXZ 600 rev. And I liked it when it got to Bethel. When we went to go pick it up I could not stop smiling. When we got home we took it down from the back of the truck. My dad took it out for a spin then I went next. I could not believe my eyes that I got this cool snow machine. I have had it for 3 years now. The first year when I had it I crashed it during Slavic time. The ext year I was more careful in how I was using it I did not want to crash it again because I might not be able to use it again ever again. And then last year I was also careful in how I used my snow machine. Then now I am really taking care of it and I will never crash it again because I might have to fix it by my self and may be get the stuff for it with my own money. So I am hopping I would not break it again. The next years on i am wishing I would not have to fix my snow machine. Now that I am 19 I will take care of my snow machine. Because i fixed the bad side of the spidometer and now i need to find out what is wrong with the other side of the heat warmer on the left side of the handle bar.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Spring Time
Boy, in the springtime I feel that it is the best time of the year. I think some people do not like springtime. I think it is so good for my friends and family. Some of the things why I like springtime are because I get to go out hunting with my friends. I think that springtime is the best time of the year is because I am able to go out hunting with my friends. I think this year I am going to go out hunting with my dad this coming spring. And last year I went with Carl, and Anissum. We went to the tundra behind Oscarville. Well I am not going to be able to have fun like I use to with Anissum and Carl. All those times we went hunting Carl and Anissum were the only ones getting wet. Two years back it was Anissum and me that went hunting at the back trail fallowing the poles. But turn right where there is a pathway. That year Anissum's E-Land went to flames after a small explosion went of and then that is when Anissum shoot his gun to get my attention. I turned off my E-Land and then ran toward them to help turn the fire out. But before it went to flames Sim was already in the trees when he heard the explosion. Then that was the time when there was a flock of geese that landed few yards behind us. I think I am going to go with my snow machine or by walk this year. But my dad is thinking of going hunting this year I might just go with him. I also think I will go alone by walk with Carl and may be Anissum. I wonder if the same things would happen when Carl and Anissum got wet like last year. There are many more years to go hunting, but if I were out of school I would have more time to go out hunting. And when I graduate there would be no problem just working on my four-wheeler and many more things I could do with my free time at home. Also if I was out of school I would be able to go out hunting early in the morning and I wouldn't have to wait for any one. All I would have to do is be ready day before then the next morning go hunting.
Monday, March 9, 2009
hey, peolpe now it is done?? Could read it now??:))
Hey, finally get to take my computer home ever since 3-4 weeks or last month. It feels good getting to bring my computer home. I have been coming in late and was not able to bring it home. Until this week which is on the 6 till the 13th. That is one week and after one week I would have to fill out an eligibility after the week is over. I am hopping I will be on time for the next week so I can take my computer home for another week. But there are other things to do to bring my computer. I would also have to do my homework. Hopefully I would get to bring my computer next week. But I have to do my homework and do most of them in school. And now I am able to bring it ever since two weeks ago and still going. And if I keep up my work I will be able to graduate this year. But if I don't pass my HSGQE I could take is when they have it again but I would not be in school. I hope I get to walk out of school this year. Well I have my fingers crossed in hoping to pass and then I wound not have to take it again. It has been 2 weeks ever since I got to bring my computer home and probable get to bring it this week again. Well that is all I have to say in how I am doing in class and on homework, oh yeah I for got to mention about my work I am doing. I am doing well in the work I have to do in class and I am all caught up and I want to keep it that way.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Hey, hows every one doing. Me I am doing good. Well I am geussing you want to know about my grandfather. Well he is a caring, loving kind of person. Some things that he told us that I kind of know about like how to look for good spots for setting a snere. How about how to make a black fish trap, also where to put it. There are plenty things that you think you might know about the wilderness but you are thinking wrong. If you want to know more about him I will interview him then some time post it on my blog. But I know some things about his live from past interview. One time he told us about how he did when he went fishing and he got 9,000 dolors worth of fish. That time was when the oil spill happened. Also he talked about how they barly had school and why there was hardly any.
Friday, February 27, 2009
My Moose Hunting Trips!!??
Well there are many things I could talk about. And I think I will talk about a time I went out moose hunting with my dad one time. I was about 14 years old the very first time I went, at first my dad did not want me to go. But I started to cry and he decided to bring me along. We were out in the wild for about 20-30 days or less and in those days I had to use the bathroom. At first I did not want to but I had to use it so bad. But I was scared that something would come out and take me, eventually I got over it. Then it was about the second to last day we were staying there I really had to use the bathroom really bad but didn't use it then it all came out all over my pants and legs. Boy I was so grossed out by the smell and the way it felt when I was sitting down on the boat. Then the second time I went was when I was 16 years old. When I asked my dad if I could fallow them he said no. Then I just kept asking him over and over again until he said yeah. but I did not cry that time I just kept on asking. And that time I was not afraid of using to bathroom out in the wild. After those days I want out moose hunting with my dad I never got to go again. I wonder how it would have been if I did not go with him moose hunting and was doing my school work and never went with them. May be I would have been closer to graduating and out of school by now.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Taking a Walk
One day i was outside walking behind Oscarville with Carl, Howerd, and me. We went out to see if we can catch some ptarmigan but instead we shoot Carl's two dogs. And we ended up just walking around getting the exersize getting into deep snow shooting around but carefuly shooting around. And we should of brought some water because i was getting thorsty then we got home and i told Carl i would go see him after i eat. I ate then went to go see him. We went outside again but for a short while. them ended up outside longer then we expected. I went home started to play games on my PSP. got bored i went to bed. The next morning i went to the school.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hey, people what u guys up to. Me i am just bored blogging, what is every one doing. Well I am guessing you thinking why the headline is the number 2? IDK why I put it up there but idk? If you are wondering what idk is but first I would want to know if you know what if is. Man i am so like bored may be what the people that read my blog could comment on it.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Hey, everyone what type of store do you want to here about this time? I think I am going to talk about making movies this week end. And how much fun i had making them with Carl Michael. Carl and I was making a very funny movies about Howard and how he gets hyper when he is in the cold. The way he laughs when you fast forward it. It is so funny when you watch it when it is rewinding. Boy-o-boy when Carl was cracking up it sounds funny when it is going fast or going backward. How would it have been if Carl was not laughing and it was just Howard. May be it wouldn't be as funny. I would have been able to bring my computer home but I was late the few days of the week but i did all my work i had to do in order to bring my computer but I was late. I wonder when was the last time i brought my computer home, I think it was 3 weeks ago.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Weathe Changing?????

Man the weather is being some how. It cant make up its mind, it gets cold then warm then cold again. What is it going to do next? When would the next warm weather would come around. What do you guys thing? The readers that read my blog. When do you guys think the next warm weather coming. Right now it has been cold out with some sun out for the passed two days now. If it was so cold out what could you do to prevent getting frost bit. Here is what i would do, I would dress very warm cover the places that are easly to get frost bitten. What would happen if it got so cold out were we have to stay home to keep warm. Tis one time I got a frost bite on my nose, I did not like it because my nose was felt like it was going to fall off when I went caribou hunting, with Mike, some other guy, and me. Man it felt very funny because my nose kept getting cold then warm then cold again.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Weather Patterns!!!!!?????

Today in the sky? whats going on, why is it doing this? I know why, because of some boy in Oscarville. It is the boy that is writing this, yea thats right it is me. Because my mom has been calling me when I have been sleeping in. but i am not sure about that theory of it being me is right. But it could be me?? Big ? on that I don't really know but it might be me a big might? So on to the sky, it is cloudy then clear then back to cloudy. I will put up a picture of it and you will see. So how is every one doing so far. Nothing to talk about these days. And some days you would have something to say but oh what the hec. There would be lots of things to talk about if you just meet someone, then became best friends.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
SaFeTy TiPs???
Making a difference to the community. Why would it be good to change the community so that the people in Oscarville could be safe. It is already a safe place to be but I think it would be better if it was even more safe. What we could do is have the kids that play out till it gets dark go home before it dose get dark. The kids that are playing out late shouldn't be, because they could get hurt by snow-gos or 4wheelers with no headlights. But if the kids out so late want to play out have to tell them to look out for vehicles with no headlights. If they know what to do then just remind them what to do.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Four wheeler riding?
After brining me four wheeler i could not stop riding it even around 1-2 hours after midnight. My mom and dad wondered where was one day and i was out riding late i mean very late. To where my mom and dad were sleeping at some days and i was riding up in Bethel with Carl and our four wheelers. My dad said one day not to go riding so late. So I stopped for a few days then started up again but went home little bit before midnight. This was when Nicholai was up in Anchorage. Carl was riding around with Uncles four wheeler.
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