Tuesday, January 13, 2009

SaFeTy TiPs???

Making a difference to the community. Why would it be good to change the community so that the people in Oscarville could be safe. It is already a safe place to be but I think it would be better if it was even more safe. What we could do is have the kids that play out till it gets dark go home before it dose get dark. The kids that are playing out late shouldn't be, because they could get hurt by snow-gos or 4wheelers with no headlights. But if the kids out so late want to play out have to tell them to look out for vehicles with no headlights. If they know what to do then just remind them what to do.

1 comment:

Christina. said...

I think you have some good ideas here. It's too bad there isn't a place to play that has a lot of space but is still not outside. Like a big gym... or perhaps if the playdeck was bigger. That might help keep things a little safer.

Although, I think all vehicles should keep their headlights on too. :)